Fatjon Resulaj on a Journey to discover the Greatest Brand’s marketing Secrets

Fatjon Resulaj on a Journey to discover the Greatest Brand’s marketing Secrets

Lately I had the pleasure to sit with Fatjon for a short interview. He is the CEO and Founder of Avantgarde Marketing Agency. Fatjon has worked with more than 300 businesses around the world helping them scale and generate more revenue online. He started his journey in digital marketing working as a freelancer counting more than 200 5-star reviews. His exceptional performance earned him frequent features in different advertising campaigns at some of the most well-known freelancing platforms as a top-recommended freelancer.
With expertise supported by a robust portfolio of qualifications, including, Google Ads Search Certification, Google Ads Display Certification, Google Ads Video Certification, Google Ads Measurements Certification, Google Ads Apps Certification, AI-Powered Shopping Ads Certification, Meta Measurement Specialist, Fatjon will tell us a little bit more about his journey to discover the marketing secrets of the Great Brands.

Aldo Mustafa: Fatjon, what does your company do?

Fatjon Resulaj: Avantgarde Marketing is a digital marketing agency that helps entrepreneurs and businesses who sell high ticket products or services scale to 6-7 figures monthly through the latest and most advanced online marketing strategies and artificial intelligence. We also work with luxury fashion brands and every business that is committed to provide high quality content and a vision of growth.

Aldo Mustafa: How did you choose digital marketing and what motivated you to take this journey on discovering the marketing secrets of Big Brands?

Fatjon Resulaj: I got involved in digital marketing in 2018 when I had to quit my job as a fitness trainer because of an injury.

Actually, beside my passion for fitness I always had this curiosity on how those individuals like Steve Jobs, Phil Knight were able to build such great brands like Apple, Nike etc. Since I couldn’t make a career in the fitness world anymore, one day I randomly typed in google “How to make money online?”.

I clicked in the first ad that came out which it turned out to be an affiliate marketing program that included building an email list of people who were interested to make money online. I completed all the necessary steps and I started my campaign but I was not able to generate a single email.

So, something that in the first view looked so easy, in fact was much more complicated. I understood that I had to make a deeper research and discover the secrets behind successful business that were generating millions of dollars applying these marketing strategies in the right way.

So, I took many courses and read many books from some of the greatest authors in the field in order to discover those secrets and this was a strong turning point in my life since led me to mastering many skills in the digital marketing industry including branding and direct sales.

Becoming able to provide results and help business generate more revenue through online marketing allowed me to switch from offering simply social media management to more complex digital advertising services and also launch my own digital marketing agency.

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Aldo Mustafa: What are your top tips for businesses who want to grow their brand online?

Fatjon Resulaj: One of the greatest mistakes that I often see business make when they want to grow online is that they go straight for the close in their marketing efforts. In fact in any given market there is only 2-3% of people who are in the buying mode. So, by only crafting marketing messages that focus on generating sales you are ignoring the other part of the market which contains a lot of potential customers who are not ready yet to buy from you.

Strategic content distribution is one of the methods we suggest our clients to include in their marketing strategy allowing them, not only to drive more revenue through audiences who are not familiar with their offerings but also to grow a stronger brand in the long run.

This approach allows businesses to eat a bigger piece of the cake compared to their competitors when it comes to the market share.

Aldo Mustafa: What would you consider your core values?

Fatjon Resulaj: As our core values I would consider the ability to produce results, increase my client’s revenue and working on their businesses as if it was ours. Our goal is to focus our energy into the actions that can really impact our client’s revenue in the lowest cost possible. We reach that by constantly testing and improving the results of our campaigns in order to spend efficiently every dollar of our client’s marketing budget.

Aldo Mustafa: What makes Avantgarde Marketing different?

Fatjon Resulaj: What makes Avantgarde Marketing different is that we don’t hide behind “reach” and “impressions” metrics when we approach our clients. We focus our efforts on generating more revenue for our clients consistently in a predictable way enabling us to be transparent with our clients about the investment that they will make on our marketing services compared to the return on investment that we are aiming for them.

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Aldo Mustafa: What are your future plans?

Fatjon Resulaj: Beside my goal to grow my agency in a higher level globally I know that some businesses cannot afford to hire a marketing agency. My wish is to create a training soon that would allow young entrepreneurs launch and grow their businesses with confidence. In last years I had the chance to mentor some of them in person. Watching them grow and make steps forward reminded me my early stages in entrepreneurship, the challenges I faced and how important is to be supported with the right knowledge and expertise.
There are many wonderful souls out here who have great ideas and have passion to change the world for better so my goal is to provide them with the “tools” they need to shape their dreams into reality and make a difference in the world.
I aspire to create a community with people who love innovation and dare to bring change aligned with the purpose of creating companies that start from the customer not from the desire to become rich.

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